Moving Pictures Drum Transcriptions (2008)

Moving Pictures Drum Transcriptions, 52 pages
Alfred Publishing
$14.95—$42.23 (on Amazon)

Table of Contents:

Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta
The Camera Eye
Witch Hunt
Vital Signs

“From listening to the CDs while reading these books (this one and a similar one for 2112), I really enjoyed what I saw: the transcriptions seem to have been accurately (enough) written and both books seem to maintain their quality throughout the whole. Nevertheless, the writer’s choice to omit repeat bars is extremely annoying (I can see no advantage in doing so), as well as his choice to write all the stems upwards; I would say that Wheeler’s (Drum Techniques of Rush) writing is better. So, my advice: if you are a drummer, and enjoy Rush, buy them all.”—gabrielnd (on Amazon)

More Rush sheet music and tab anthologies. 

~ by rvkeeper on November 25, 2011.