Drum Techniques of Rush (1985)

Drum Techniques of Rush, 80 pages
Warner Bros.
$8.51—$8.97 (on Amazon)

Table of Contents:

La Villa Strangiato
The Spirit of Radio
The Trees
Natural Science
Tom Sawyer


“I have been using this book for over 12 years now. I received it as a gift during my senior year of high school, and used the book so much that it was literally falling apart. I had to get a replacement. I have also used this book to teach to some of my drum students. Although I have found a few mistakes, the rhythms and time signatures are very accurate. I find it very useful to not only teach time changes and reading skills, but to teach continuity even when mistakes happen. Neil Peart’s drumming exhibits finesse and is incredibly intricate. The drummer that uses this book will learn not the K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) method to drumming and timekeeping, but the M.U.S.I.C. (make up something interesting and complimentary) method. I would highly recommend this book to any RUSH fan or intermediate to advanced drummer looking to add a few more “tools” to their percussive toolbox.”—Geoff Hart (on Amazon)

More Rush sheet music and tab anthologies. 

~ by rvkeeper on November 25, 2011.