
R30 videos

Disc 1

1. R30 Overture (instrumental) (6:42)
2. The Spirit of Radio (5:05)
3. Force Ten (4:49)
4. Animate (5:49)
5. Subdivisions (6:09)
6. Earthshine (5:41)
7. Red Barchetta (6:49)
8. Roll The Bones (6:22)
9. The Seeker (3:27)
10. Tom Sawyer (5:00)
11. Dreamline (5:20)

Disc 2

1. Between The Wheels (6:17)
2. Mystic Rhythms (5:22)
3. Der Trommler (drum solo) (9:01)
4. Resist (acoustic) (4:33)
5. Heart Full Of Soul (acoustic) (2:44)
6. 2112 (Overture/Temples of Syrinx/Grand Finale) (8:23)
7. Xanadu (6:43)
8. Working Man (6:13)
9. Summertime Blues (3:41)
10. Crossroads (3:13)
11. Limelight (4:57)


Spectacular Culmination

“Even more spectacular than Rush in Rio, the 30th Anniversary DVD is a culmination of everything Rush has done in their career. From their simple “Zeppelin” roots to their grungy Vapor Trails of 2002, all past albums except Presto is represented on this live outing. The playing is spectacular and the set is superb. The Jerry Stiller Intro is a joy and the “That Darn Dragon” middle sequence is a comedic masterpiece. The R30 Overture is a magnificent instrumental composed of tracks from the first Rush album all the way to Hemispheres. The sound is a lot more mixed than Rio and the video quality is better. Alex Lifeson is precise and gives a better performance than on Rio, Lee’s vocals are better and his bass sound is better than on Rio, and Peart’s drumming is spot on.”—Cygnus X-2 on Prog Archives

~ by rvkeeper on May 14, 2011.