The Speed of Love: Background

“Neil takes another tack [from Alien Shore] on writing a love song here, this time demythologizing the whole notion of a love song.”—Robert Telleria, Merely Players

“‘The Speed of Love’ is kind of a mid-tempo, more sensitive rock song. That song probably took me the longest [of the pieces on Counterparts] to find just the right elements I wanted to have in the drum part. What made it a challenge is that I wanted the feel and the transitions between sections to be just right. I played that song over and over, refining it until I was satisfied. I don’t think the listener will hear all the work that went into that track.” (Modern Drummer)—Neil in Merely Players

“I just saw one of Frank Zappa’s last interviews the other day [this is in 1994], and he was talking about love songs, and the reason he would never write one is he thought they were essentially evil, and that they raise this imaginary ideal of a perfect relationship which doesn’t exist in reality. And ‘Speed of Love’ actually . . . is a song about love, about the subject of it. Again, demythologizing, debunking.” (Up Close)—Neil in Merely Players

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~ by rvkeeper on January 12, 2011.