Driven: Background

The piece is a cautionary tale about drunken driving and emphasizes the theme of communication.—Robert Telleria, Merely Players

“‘Driven’ is just from a bass player’s point of view. I wrote that somg with three tracks of bass. I brought it to Alex and said, ‘Here’s the song; I did three tracks of bass, but I just did that to fill in for the guitar,’ and he said, ‘Let’s keep it with the three basses.’ So, I said, ‘I love you.'” (Canadian Musician, 1996)—Geddy in Merely Players

“‘Driven” was the third of five singles released from Test For Echo and reached #3 on the U.S. Mainstream Rock chart. When played live, Geddy would often insert a short bass solo. Examples of this can be found on the official live albums Different Stages and Rush in Rio from the Test For Echo and Vapor Trails tours, respectively.”—Wikipedia

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~ by rvkeeper on January 12, 2011.